I doser doses
I doser doses

The catch is that everyone has a different level of susceptibility to the doses, depending on the make up of your brain. I however do not have a competent enough grasp of the details to explain them, so if you are interested in specifics I send you on your way to google, where you will find more info than you can read. It’s called binaural beats and, as I said, there actually is a good deal of science behind all of this. Supposedly when the two waves meet in your head they jumble things up a bit and confuse your brain into thinking it is having any number of experiences ranging from getting drunk, to shooting dope, to having a spiritual awakening. The way it works (just a little more basic science, I promise, then its on to the good stuff) is that the sounds you hear through your headphones (the only way it will “work”) is actually two different sets of sound waves that are set two specific frequencies. The science actually has some validity to it all, but without getting too much into complexities lets just say that it is far from fact that these doses actually work. In short, idoser is supposed to get you high using audio frequency.

i doser doses

Oh goodness me, what do we have here? Okay, this is actually sort of an older deal, but I recently discovered idoser, which is a website that makes some pretty brash claims all based on sound waves.

I doser doses